Sziasztok!A hétvégén az Everly részt vesz Nicholas Sparks' Celebrity Family Weekend & Golf Tournament eseményen,amit Nicholas szülővárosában New Bern-ben, North Carolina-ban rendeznek meg.Az a jó hír,hogy nemcsak Joy és Amber lesznek ott,hanem még pár OTH-s is:Robert Buckley, Stephen Coletti, James Lafferty is :) Illetve más sztárok is ellátogatnak:Kelli Pickler, Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling, Drew Brees, Jake T. Austin, TJ Yates, Jay Harris és még többen!
Nicholas Sparks' Celebrity Family Weekend & Golf Tournament Everly,James,Rob,Stephen
2012.04.22. 14:19 othfan
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3rd Annual Origins Rocks Earth Month Gavin&Sophia
2012.04.19. 11:50 othfan
Sophia tegnap elment a 3rd Annual Origins Rocks Earth Month nevű eseményre,amin többek között Gavin DeGraw is megjelent :)Megint nagyon csinos volt,mint mindig a haja kicsit rövidebb lett az OTH óta :)
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2012.04.06. 21:52 othfan
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Goodnight Tree Hill by Joy "we will continue to encounter journeys together, even if we never meet"
2012.04.05. 18:09 othfan
Joy volt olyan kedves, hogy írt az OTH-ról,a castingról, arról hol lakott,az ottani emberekről,helyekről, a színésztársakról,hogy mi mindent köszönhet(nek) a sorozatnak!És az asszisztense által küldött emailt is megosztja Velünk,amiben ő is leírja a kedvenc részeit!
Goodnight, Tree Hill
It’s been nine eventful years in a small town that most of the world doesn’t know exists. It’s been 187 episodes of the little show that’s full of heart and friendship. No one could have told me that over the last nine years my life would be so drastically different. Sure that is nearly a decade and of course people grow and change in that amount of time. But to think that I started out as a reluctant fan living in a small town in Ontario watching Tree Hill folks on t.v. is absurd considering where I am now. In honour of a show that has seen me through good times and bad I had to do a little reflecting on those tender moments that will forever be apart of me. (In no particular order)#1 – Haley first sings at Karen’s Café for Nathan’s ears only.So vulnerable. Important to me because I still remember that until Bethany Joy started singing I had no clue who she was. I was doing dishes and not paying attention when my heart was suddenly captured. It was the beginning of a long time admiration of the vocal styling of Bethany Joy that led me straight into the arms of God.#2 – The delivery of Baby Jamie.Best opening scene in the history of OTH. Perfect music and flow. Makes my heart speed up.#3 – Haley and Nathan’s first kissI still can’t listen to Dare You To Move by Switchfoot without hearing, “You shouldn’t have done that Nathan … I wanted to … Yeah!”#4 – Brooke yelling at Lucas at Haley and Nathan’s second weddingMiss Sophia you break my heart every time. “I’m not pushing you away Lucas. I’m holding on for dear life but I need you to need me back … why won’t you ever just let me all the way in.”#5 – Peyton’s Peyn-angelAwesome way to show the struggle of teen girls with there identity and logic behind not so awesome decisions. Her pain and guilt clearly show as she tries to fix a lost situation. “Closet full of anxiety.”#6 – The many Haley punches thrown over the years.Don’t mess with HJS she will take you down. “Honey, YOU’RE lucky I’m pregnant.” Girls can kick butt too!!
#7 – Nathan and Haley fightsFor the only couple in Tree Hill that stayed together for the run of the show (minus a little pause) they weren’t always peachy keen.Whether it was Haley yelling at Nathan “well you should have told me that having sex would turn you into an ass” or Nathan yelling at Haley “Haley what if something would have happened?”
#8 – Nathan and Haley make-upsWell just cause … who doesn’t like the fluffy stuff. “I was hurt Haley, but I was still proud of you, everyday.”#9 – Brooke writing on the mirror and overhead projectorOnce again, it’s all about identity. She has gone through the highs and lows. Visually it was an amazing way to show the issue and emotionally make me want to hug Brooke and tell her that she is worth so much more.
10# - So Far the Season Four final scene on the Rivercourt is tops.
The peace and joy and love in those final moments made every Tree Hill fan sigh. We will see what tonight holds.
There are so many more. Cracker Jacks, Scrunchies, tattoos, Boy Toy, Weddings, Births, Keith’s death, Jimmy’s funeral, Keith’s funeral, First dates, foods without consonants, basketball, hot tubs, scavenger hunt, balloon fights, pillow fights, girl fights, rain storms, car accidents, Tric, roadtrips, Karen’s, Coach Durham … etc.It was about standing up for who you are, not being afraid to change that person, loving without conditions, forgiveness, trust and friendship. Tree Hill you taught me well and you will hold a dear place in my heart forever.“There is only One Tree Hill”
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One Tree Hill 9x13 felirat letöltése
2012.04.05. 17:44 othfan
Sziasztok!Már meg is hoztam a sorozatzáró részhez a feliratot KATT ÉRTE!
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Kikerült a netre a finálé...
2012.04.01. 18:28 othfan
Kikerült netre a One Tree Hill 9. évad DVDRip, benne az évadzáró résszel, ami csak azért lepett meg, mert a fináléra “két órás event”-et írtak, de állítólag teljes a 9×13 – lehet, hogy csak egy visszaemlékező epizód vezeti fel? (UPDATE: Igen, az.) forrá
KATT A ONE TREE HILL 9x13as részéért vagyis az évad és egyben sorozatzárórészért sima letöltés KATT(extabit) vagy KATT(turbobit) vagy torrent KATT
EZ amiatt történt,hogy Amerikában bizonyos helyeken már kiadták-előbb,mint ahogyan a tvben lement volna.
Ehhez hoztam most pár videót!VIGYÁZAT SPOILERES!
A kezdés...
Naley az esőben :)
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