Joy volt olyan kedves, hogy írt az OTH-ról,a castingról, arról hol lakott,az ottani emberekről,helyekről, a színésztársakról,hogy mi mindent köszönhet(nek) a sorozatnak!És az asszisztense által küldött emailt is megosztja Velünk,amiben ő is leírja a kedvenc részeit!
Goodnight, Tree Hill
Well, tonight at 8pm One Tree Hill will air it's final episode ever, after 9 seasons. I couldn't let today go by without paying homage to the show where I grew up, where I learned some of my most important life lessons, where I learned about being part of a team and being a professional, and where I fell in love with a little town and its beautiful people.
I remember my screen test for the character of "Reagan" (later to be changed to "Haley"). During my test I was in a room full of executives while reading the scene with Chad Michael Murray and there were about 4 other girls going for the part, waiting in the hallway. There was a moment about halfway through the reading when I was sitting next to Chad and I playfully knocked the side of his leg with mine. I felt the energy of the whole room shift and I knew at that moment I had gotten the part. As I walked out to my car, Chad chased me down on the WB parking lot and said "Bethany!" I turned and he gave me a big hug, saying, "Congratulations." I smiled thinking that was very sweet of him but I'd been in this business long enough to know that nothing's for sure until you see it on screen. Sure enough, a few hours later I got a phone call that I had 7 days to pack up my life and move to Wilmington, North Carolina.
The first 2 months in Wilmington I lived in a hotel because we were told every day "It's only a matter of time before this show gets cancelled… don't' get too comfortable." Eventually I moved into a short term rental at Wrightsville beach when it seemed like things weren't quite as "on the bubble" as everyone said and I started to really find my niche in this little beach town. I'd grown up to 12 in Texas so I've always had an affinity for the South, and this place was so cozy and the people were so sweet. Mr. Daughtry's book store on Front St., Port City Java, Island Passage, Oliver, Brasserie du Soliel, Roy's Riverboat Landing, Tower 7, Hallelu, Beanie & Cecil, Kilwins, Firebelly, City Stage, Deluxe and so many more places became our staple local haunts. The spanish moss everywhere, the smell of the sea, the gorgeous sunsets invigorated me. I would walk on the beach in the moonlight with a cup of coffee before the sunrise. I would run out in the hot southern rain wearing a sundress and walk all over the neighborhood, just BEING in the elements. I wrote a millions songs and poems. And that was my off-time.
I loved going to work every day. I loved the people I was working with. I developed a heart-stopping crush on Craig Sheffer (Uncle Keith) for about 3 years, who was thankfully too much of a gentlemen to ever do anything about it, but it was a running joke for years how infatuated with him I was. I was equally as enamored of the mind-bogglingly elegant-and-tough-at-the-same-time Moira Kelly. It took everything in me not to say ""Toe-pick!" to her just once. Barry Corbin was terribly intimidating, though he is certainly the sweetest man alive! As for the rest of us, we were kids from 5 drastically different backgrounds, thrust into what seemed at times to be a survival of the fittest experiment, and finding our way together.
As the years went on we fought and made up, we learned from each other, we got in trouble, we grew as actors, we grew as people, and we were given a ridiculous amount of grace by our crew & producers. When I think of some of the things we put them through, I'm so grateful for the classy way they handled guiding us through. The crew on a set can really make or break you as an actor. Our crew was respectful of our work space, graceful enough to create an environment where you feel free to be vulnerable without judgement, fun enough to laugh and play with us and real enough to make it clear when someone was being an ass.
I learned more on 9 years of One Tree Hill than I did in 12 years of schooling (My apologies to the great teachers I had throughout school, but it's true). It's funny looking back… youth really is wasted on the young, ha!
So, I just want to say thank you to everyone who invested in our show. You didn't just provide me with a lifestyle or job. You were part of giving me experiences that have molded who I am and that have prepared me for the next leg of my journey in life, which is going to be a drastic change in many ways. In a strange way, an indirect way… I supposed we raised each other.
As you sit down with your friends to watch tonight's series finale, remember my gratitude to you and my sincere hope that we will continue to encounter journeys together, even if we never meet. My heart is full and warm and so very very grateful. YOU are the only reason tonight is possible. May God bless you in strange, great, unimaginable ways. All my love!
Below is an email my assistant, Courtney, sent last night. I think it's fitting for today...
It’s been nine eventful years in a small town that most of the world doesn’t know exists. It’s been 187 episodes of the little show that’s full of heart and friendship. No one could have told me that over the last nine years my life would be so drastically different. Sure that is nearly a decade and of course people grow and change in that amount of time. But to think that I started out as a reluctant fan living in a small town in Ontario watching Tree Hill folks on t.v. is absurd considering where I am now. In honour of a show that has seen me through good times and bad I had to do a little reflecting on those tender moments that will forever be apart of me. (In no particular order)
#1 – Haley first sings at Karen’s Café for Nathan’s ears only.
So vulnerable. Important to me because I still remember that until Bethany Joy started singing I had no clue who she was. I was doing dishes and not paying attention when my heart was suddenly captured. It was the beginning of a long time admiration of the vocal styling of Bethany Joy that led me straight into the arms of God.
#2 – The delivery of Baby Jamie.
Best opening scene in the history of OTH. Perfect music and flow. Makes my heart speed up.
#3 – Haley and Nathan’s first kiss
I still can’t listen to Dare You To Move by Switchfoot without hearing, “You shouldn’t have done that Nathan … I wanted to … Yeah!”
#4 – Brooke yelling at Lucas at Haley and Nathan’s second wedding
Miss Sophia you break my heart every time. “I’m not pushing you away Lucas. I’m holding on for dear life but I need you to need me back … why won’t you ever just let me all the way in.”
#5 – Peyton’s Peyn-angel
Awesome way to show the struggle of teen girls with there identity and logic behind not so awesome decisions. Her pain and guilt clearly show as she tries to fix a lost situation. “Closet full of anxiety.”
#6 – The many Haley punches thrown over the years.
Don’t mess with HJS she will take you down. “Honey, YOU’RE lucky I’m pregnant.” Girls can kick butt too!!
#7 – Nathan and Haley fightsFor the only couple in Tree Hill that stayed together for the run of the show (minus a little pause) they weren’t always peachy keen.Whether it was Haley yelling at Nathan “well you should have told me that having sex would turn you into an ass” or Nathan yelling at Haley “Haley what if something would have happened?”
#8 – Nathan and Haley make-upsWell just cause … who doesn’t like the fluffy stuff. “I was hurt Haley, but I was still proud of you, everyday.”
#9 – Brooke writing on the mirror and overhead projector
Once again, it’s all about identity. She has gone through the highs and lows. Visually it was an amazing way to show the issue and emotionally make me want to hug Brooke and tell her that she is worth so much more.
10# - So Far the Season Four final scene on the Rivercourt is tops.The peace and joy and love in those final moments made every Tree Hill fan sigh. We will see what tonight holds.
There are so many more. Cracker Jacks, Scrunchies, tattoos, Boy Toy, Weddings, Births, Keith’s death, Jimmy’s funeral, Keith’s funeral, First dates, foods without consonants, basketball, hot tubs, scavenger hunt, balloon fights, pillow fights, girl fights, rain storms, car accidents, Tric, roadtrips, Karen’s, Coach Durham … etc.
It was about standing up for who you are, not being afraid to change that person, loving without conditions, forgiveness, trust and friendship. Tree Hill you taught me well and you will hold a dear place in my heart forever.
“There is only One Tree Hill”
CONGRATULATIONS Meredith Sledge! You won an autographed 2011 call sheet from episode #911 "Danny Boy".
Your call sheet will arrive in the original production envelope in which it was delivered to me!