És megvannak az idei év megjelenései is!Quinton Aaron elment a PCA-ra,ahol a vörös szőnyegen beszélt az OTH-ról!
Quinton Aaron beszél One Tree Hill-ről
a vörös szőnyegen a People’s Choice Awards 2011-en.
Sophia Bush CoverGirl’s 50th Anniversary Celebration
És megvolt Soph első 2011-es megjelenése.Nem is akármilyen rendezvényre ment el! A híres sminkmárka a CoverGirl 50.évfordulójára megrendezett party-ra!Soph természetesen gyönyörű volt,mint mindig,de nekem különösen tetszik ez az öltözéke ,a haja,a sminkje.Tudom,hogy nem tér el merőben az eddig megszokottaktól,de Sophia egyszerűen ragyogott!
Sophia Bush attends CoverGirl’s 50th Anniversary Celebration with pal Brittany Snow on Wednesday (January 5) at Boa Steakhouse in West Hollywood, Calif.
The 28-year-old actress recently found out someone hacked into her mom’s email account!
“I’m angry, but also sorry for you. Hope you find your way soon, and do something worthy,” she tweeted. “#HackersSuck #GetALife.”
Over the holidays, Sophia went skiing with boyfriend Austin Nichols. Both of his parents are athletes and “crazy good and they’re already in their 50s,” she told JustJared.com.
As for why she didn’t bring him with her to the CoverGirl party, “I felt bad, didn’t want to bring Austin to a make-up event!”
You can catch Sophia next in Chalet Girl, which she filmed last year with Ed Westwick and Brooke Shields!
FYI: Sophia is carrying Judith Leiber’s Lattice Slender Curve minaudière in Champagne. She’s also wearing Jimmy Choo’s Lance sandal and Vhernier’s PanDiZucchero earclips and bracelets.