Sziasztok!Nagyon elfoglalt vagyok utazások,vizsgák stb... De most szuper dolgot hoztam Nektek!A 9.évados hivatalos promót!!!Rengeteg új képkocka VÉGREEEE!!!!
Brooke: "I grew up in Tree Hill"
Brooke: "I spent most of my life here"
Brooke: "Its what I wished for"
Nathan: "people say hell is endless, they say its our worst nightmare"
Nathan: "The fate of our darkness"
Brooke: I like Tree Hill like this
Brooke: Warm, safe, loved
Nathan: Whatever it is
Brooke: "doesn't mean there hasn't been hardships
Nathan: "I say hell is empty
Brooke: "I'm here"
Nathan: "and all the devils are here"
Brooke: "and here is good"